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Taking a leap | Pursuit of Real | EP 1

First episode of ‘Pursuit of Real’. As everything great in this life it starts with diving into the unknown and outside of my comfort zone.

FIRST TIME SURFING | Pursuit of Real | EP 2

In the second episode of ‘Pursuit of Real’, I go surfing for the first time and explore a bit more of Bali.

Pleasure to meet you, I’m Reinis!

I’m a 22-year-old videographer, editor and a student of life. For the past 6 years, I have been in pursuit of meaningful and authentic experiences as well as real growth in my personal and professional life.

I’m passionate about filmmaking and commercial production and since 2020 I have been learning and gaining experience in the field. I’ve created countless projects to provide my clients with beautiful and meaningful content for their businesses. But ultimately I want to be part of something greater than myself. I dream of joining large productions as a camera assistant, learning from the best, and eventually becoming a DOP.

Besides my career as a filmmaker, my life’s mission is to reach my true potential as an individual and inspire young opportunity-deprived people to build the life they dream of and become the best version of themselves.


LEt’s continue the conversation

I’m excited to meet you and work together to create something truly special and meaningful. Please contact me via the form or the contact details below.